Skip Combat option:
Successfully complete the game.
The Board Is Set mission:
Successfully complete the Balin's Tomb and Gap Of Rohan missions under the hard difficulty setting.
Balin's Tomb mission:
Successfully complete the game.
Rohan Outpost mission:
Use a link cable to play with another Game Boy Advance.
Gap Of Rohan mission:
Successfully complete the game.
The Last Alliance mission:
Successfully complete the game in Evil mode.
Sauron Comes mission:
Successfully complete the game in Good mode.
Hint: Amon Hen:
Before trying this level, get all the upgrades for Gandalf (your commander) and Boromir, Eomer, Legolas. Put Eomer on the right flank, Legolas on the left flank, and Boromir and Gandalf on the middle flank. On your first turn, move Legolas up the stairs below him. Use Gandalf's and Boromir's ranged attack(s), and get Merry, Pippin, and Eomer to attack the two Uruks hiding below them. Note: Merry and Pippin are considered Heroes; if they die, Evil gets 2 points.
Successfully complete The Black Gates level under the hard difficulty setting in Eood mode to unlock Shagrat, the Uruk-Hai commander of Minas Morgul. His stats and equipment are:
HP: 21
SP: 8
Move: 4
Attack: 7
Range: 5
Morale: Brave
Leadership: Average (1-3)
Heavy Armor (+4HP)
Ungol Greatsword (+1 Melee Damage, +10% Onslaught)
Armor Spikes (+1 Damage)
Skill: Rage
Successfully complete The Black Gates level under the hard difficulty setting in Good mode to unlock Haldir, the elven Captain of Lothlorien. His stats and equipment are:
HP: 20
SP: 8
Move: 4
Attack: 6
Range: 6
Morale: Brave
Leadership: Average (0-3)
Light Armor (+2HP)
Elven Hood (+2HP, Grands Stealth Skill Level 2)
Elven Cloak (Defense Bonus; Damage -1)
Skill: Keen Eyes